Tuesday 3 August 2010

Apostrophe - competition to have your design on coffee cups

I met up with the very lovely Jo Go, who I met on my MA this week. She had seen that Apostrophe - a boutique cafe chain in London - are looking for a designer to come up with a winter design for their take away coffee cups. So she'd contacted me to ask whether I'd be interested in entering.

Going to have to get my skates on and come up with some designs as the competition closes on 16th August.

If you want to enter yourself the details are here!

Cyanotype printing

So I have been investigating a very old fashioned way of printing fabric.

Cyanotype printing is a photographic technique where you treat the fabric with light reactive chemicals and then once it has dried it will turn the most amazing blue when it reacts with light. If you place objects on the fabric when it is exposed you can create the most amazing ghostly shapes, almost fossil like, printed on the fabric.

Anna Atkins was one of the first pioneers of this technique, using it on paper, to produce a stunning catalogue of seaweeds back in the 1800s.


The V&A have a collection of her photographs on their website if you follow the link above.

I went down to the Thames and collected lots of seed heads which I will attempt to expose on to fabric next week. Very very excited!