Friday 17 July 2009

New Designers

Last week I exhibited at New Designers. New Designers is a show on at the Business Design Centre showcasing all the graduate design talent! I was selected to represent the Masters Degree from my uni. It was very exciting but also very stressful. I felt a bit of a fish out of water because everyone else there had just finished a 3 year BA course in Textile Design and had lots of amazing skills and ideas. Whereas I have moved pathways from Fine Art (which I studied for my degree) to a Masters in Textile Design so have lots of ideas but not all of the skills.

There was also a bit of confusion about where I was displaying as I'd been told I had a 90cm high plinth so made 1metre fabrics to hang off of this. Sods law though I got a much better wall space but I did feel my fabrics looked slightly stubby hanging there. I showed my bus seating fabrics on the wall (again bit different from the very floral girly fabrics shown at the rest of the show) because that had been my most successful project so far. The newly printed bicycle gears were folded on the table beneath. I feel my work was very much a work in progress but was ever so proud to be showing.

Seeing everyone elses work really taught me a lot about textile display and plugged huge gaps in my textile design knowledge. I was pleased in many ways to be showing something so different!

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